So I’m three quarters of the way up the mountain but I still need an extra helping hand on my ass to push me up and over the summit!
And by hand I mean…donations.
And by Ass I mean…cash.
Ass cash if you will.
Or to put it another way – WTF? Well, you may recall that I recently joined a cult.
Except it wasn’t so much a cult as a life enhancing, game changing, anal probing, weekend long head fuck that has bettered me in too many ways to mention. So I wont. Not again. We’ve been there and done that and I wrote many words (some of them longer than others) about the whole thing here.
And now my life has been flipped five ways from Sunday, I’m on a big ass fundraising campaign to give my BFF Pete a lovely weekend long head fuck too! Look at me spreading the love….gaying it forward!
By way of an abridged recap:: Mr Pete and I have been cahooting now for the best part of 20 english years. Through ups and downs, round and rounds, thicks and thins, we’ve been through it all (and then some) together. And to cut, paste and quote myself…:
Pete is a beautiful, lovely, talented, generous, caring, super smart and super funny human being. Though unfortunately he would disagree with at least 95% of those descriptions. This boy has been through a whole bunch of shit and been slapped in the face, punched in the gut and kicked in the nuts several thousand times too many.
Presently he’s stuck in the vicious cycle of benefits and rejections beating the self confidence right out of him. He’s a beautiful boy who doesn’t deserve it. He’s had to pick himself up too many times – he always does and he always will but I can see that each time he does, he leaves a little part of himself down there on the floor.
He needs something.
Something big.
Something bold.
Something brave.
Something terrifying.
He needs to make a change.
He wants to make a change.
And I’m committed to helping him make that change.
And with the help of at least twenty mutual friends, I’m just about there. But not quite. The deposit has been paid. He’s totally booked in. There’s a seat waiting for his skinny white ass come May 6th. He’s showered, shaved, prepped and good to go. Well sort of. The mountain of ass cash is currenty £296.03 high, we just need a further £58.97 to reach that ‘Landmark’ £355.00 summit.
So once again good people I call on you to delve into your pockets and help a brother out. You don’t even have to delve deep, just whatever superfluous sheckles you happen to have lying around – every little bit helps. And as Mr Pete himself is so often saying to me, “…it’s not all about size Jude, its about lots of other different things too…”. Admittedly most times he says that he’s either very drunk and/or sunstroked and/or neither of those things. But can’t deny the boy has a point. Whereas I on the other hand feel distinctly lacking in the point department right about now but…
…my point is.
If you can spare it.
I could use it.
To do good things.
For a good person.
That’s all.
Thank you!
Breaking hearts, saving lives,`
Jude's Help Pete Campaign |