There have been some stand out moments too – for me the best being when an actor steals a laptop in a scene we were shooting on the street. Of the five takes we filmed, three ended with citizens arrests from by-passers who took a stand for the law and cuffed out poor actor. How amazing is that?!
I have come to realize though, it’s a universal film law – when it comes to completing and mastering a film, there is never enough time. You inevitably pull an overnighter or two – so right now, both Simon and I are looking forward to breakfast tomorrow, probably having not slept at all tonight. And then we will look forward to a hectic day ahead to complete the film for the deadline…
The truth is though, we are having a great time – I really enjoy this kind of focus and deadline. It’s where the skills are really tested and the magical leaps of inspiration happen. All fuelled by pizza and coffee.
Ah… The life of a film maker!
Oh, and I just got word, ‘Gone Fishing’ just won the Edmonton International Film Festival too! Hoorah!
Onwards and Upwards
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author