I have just spent the last hour or so adding and updating the IMDB Pro page for Gone Fishing. I can see a few people have already added their credits, so if you want, go ahead and add yours now if you were involved. But I ask one favour. Please don’t add anything other than your own credit. I can see already there are some mistakes and it’s really hard to unpick those mistakes, and also very unfair for the people who have been mis-credited. For instance, nine year old James Wilson is listed as a bloke in his forties.
I am making corrections now, but they say it takes four weeks for data to be updated, and I can see that even then all the problems wont be ironed out. So again, just add your name if you were involved and nothing else.
Like all of these data sites, you can add a premium with things like photos and posters (WithoutABox is the same). It’s impossible to really know just how much of a difference this can make, but I am prepared to blow $50 on a few pics and a poster - I figure that anyone who is anyone is going to check IMDB at some point, so it really should look the best that it can ever look. I did the same on WithoutABox too.
As credits are listed alphabetically, I guess our Associate Producers are going to nudge the likes of hardcore producers Ivan and Sabina right down to the bottom of the list!
It would be GREAT if you could go to the IMDB page and vote for the film too, 10/10 would of course be great… You can view the page here…
I have also sent a mail out to my list to see if I can significantly increase the User Rating - if we can, this could be a powerful weapon to wield when we know the Academy are voting... We can also impact on the MOVIEmeter by visiting the site - it's currently sitting at 35,618... Let's see how high we can get it!
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]