In an entire day of HELL – can I say that loud enough – HELL!!!!! - the accounts for Gone Fishing have been done. It started at 9am this morning with a pre breakfast meeting with my accountant, before a day of paper sifting, through receipt after receipt. The actual GF accounts are really what I would call my quarterly VAT accounts for my company, hugely expanded this quarter, to accommodate the shooting and allied expenses for GF.
There are no real surprises in the budget, with only a tiny proportion of invoices going missing (that will be chased up next week). As we were shooting on location, travelling, catering and accommodation were big spends, but when you see just how Bury Hill Fisheries looks in the film, you will agree it was money well spent. Moving a crew and 35mm equipment around were perhaps our biggest spend.
For the GF course, I will have a full expense breakdown and we will be studying the pre shoot budget, and final budget, examining differences, and discussing where we got things right, and where we did not.
We are still a few £thousand short of our budget, and we have some more expenses to come, but not too much we hope, as we want to continue the trend of getting pretty much everything for free!
Executive Producer, Lucia Landino, helped out all day with the accounts, as I bounced between meltdown after meltdown – I HATE ACCOUNTS!!! - (sorry) - and we finally got there at about five pm. Now it’s time for ice cream and completely empty headed movies.
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]