Gone Fishing is now on BluRay! Yes, you can buy your own BluRay disk of Gone Fishing now, with stunning HD pictures in 1080P and uncompressed 5.1 audio, made from the HDCamSR master of the film. We are packaging it with the DVD which has all the bonus features (if you previously bought Gone Fishing on DVD and want an ‘upgrade’, drop me a line here and I will et you know the details). The Bluray was mastered at Abbey Road Studios, and you can read how it all worked here on the blog.
The BluRay is stunning quality and really does create the home theatrical experience, assuming you have an HD TV or better, projector and super duper sound system.I also registered the domain www.buygonefishing.com, something I wish I had done at the very start of production. Everywhere I have been, people have asked to buy a copy on disk, and if I don’t have a disk in my bag (and after a few months at festivals you do run out!), I send them to the blog. But I feel I have lost quite a few sales as people just didn’t remember the blog URL.
www.buygonefishing.com is so simple, anyone could remember it. I wish I had also put this on the end titles of the film, and even printed a small business card with just the sales information and quotes on it. So the tip here is, when you setup your website, also think about the www.buymymovienamehere.com. If your DVD is not available straight away, you can always start up an email list form that page or better, pre-sell the disk.
I think this microsite approach is super important as people are finding we film makers, more and more, through other channels like Facebook, Twitter and Blogs, and not necessarily through our traditional websites.
Anyway, you can check out the new site here at www.buygonefishing.com
Onwards and upwards!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]
Update - Being a novelist who had to sell his books, it's very true that people forget what you tell them if it isn't simple. This is very simple yet I've no doubt it would be highly effective.Thanks, Dominic Took
That's it exactly Dominic. They have to be able to logically link their action with the URL - I want to Buy Gine Fishing and so I will either type in the URL or serach Google.
Being a novelist who had to sell his books, it's very true that people forget what you tell them if it isn't simple. This is very simple yet I've no doubt it would be highly effective.
Dominic Took
Posted by: Dominic Took | August 22, 2009 at 02:07 PM