I am making final preps for this weekends Guerilla Film Makers two day Masterclass (we will be accepting drop ins if you want to come, just send me a text on 07977 516 628). Thank goodness we will be in an air conditioned room too!
Things have changed so much since I ran the first of these classes in 1999, and that’s one of the reasons why I have never developed a Power Point version of this seminar, I need to keep it fluid and up to date. Who would have predicted that Twitter would explode in the last year for instance, and who can predict what the next tools in your arsenal would be? Hence the fluidity.
Over the coming months, I am hoping to re-kick start the evening workshops we ran a few years back. I keep getting requests for them and now the festival madness of Gone Fishing is dying back, and we are entering a script development phase, the time would seem right. This will mean we are running more regular and less expensive short workshops, targeted at various areas and disciplines.
In a few weeks time, I am going to be joined full time by writer and producer Judy Goldberg (she co-wrote From Beneath Us). Judy worked at Impact Pictures in LA for some time, on movies such as the Resident Evil franchise, and she brings a whole load of goodies to the table. She really is a terrific talent and I am hoping that together, we will become fabulously effective. Something that we discuss on the masterclass is how two people equal much more than twice the effectiveness. More often, two equals more like six times the energy and possibilities, as long as both parties compliment each other along the lines of the 80 / 20 principle. So I am VERY excited about Judy joining team Living Spirit.
Right, I gotta get my ducks in a row for tomorrow as I will have a class of film makers ready for action!
Onwards and upwards
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author