A few days ago I promised a free podcast with Indie Film Distribution guru Stacey Parks. Well here it is! I recorded this two hour seminar last May with Stacey, at Ealing Studios. Stacey pretty much came straight from the plane and had a great deal of insight to share with us all.
So here is part one… (about 1 hour)
And here is part two… (about 1 hour)
If you liked what Stacey had to say, remember she just published her first book,
The Insider's Guide to Independent Film Distribution, which you can get at Amazon here.
And then there is the very special offer she made to help us with the Oscars push… If you missed it the other day, here it is again.
Stacey Parks, distribution guru, has contacted me about her Self Distribution Kit for Film Makers and pledged to give us half the funds from every sale toward the Oscars campaign! What a terrific girl (she also knows that whatever I learn on the journey I will share with her and other new film makers, so its in her interest too). I recorded a PodCast with her earlier in the year and intend getting that up and online in the next few days. Watch this space.
Anyway, here’s Staceys blur…
Film Distribution Kit now ships to you directly to you on CD-Rom! Gain
access to over 150 hand-picked distributors in 39 countries for you to
submit your films to. Get information on the type of distribution deals
you can expect from worldwide distribution deals. Project revenues for
you film and much more.This kit costs $99 and ORDER BY DECEMBER 18 AND
RECEIVE FREE SHIPPING! Click here for the special discounted rate…
Remember, 50% of each sale goes directly to Gone Fishing.
Onwards and upwards!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
Hi Chris. Thank you for sharing this. Very useful to hear so much information from someone who definitely knows from experience. I strongly suggest all aspiring indie filmmakers listen to this podcast before embarking on their shoot.
I must also comment, however, that a lot of the info she shared in the talk is ground well-covered by the "Guerilla Filmmakers' Handbook" (quality control, deliverables, finding the right Sales Agent etc). You seemed too polite to say this during the talk, so if you weren't willing to plug your book then, may I now?
Last month I worked on a very enjoyable/ambitious short film shoot in Hong Kong. I saw that the director had a well-thumbed copy of the Big Green Book sitting in his apartment/office...
Posted by: Jude | December 18, 2008 at 12:00 PM
Fantastic podcast!! Hope there are more to come!
Posted by: Eliana Guimaraes | March 17, 2009 at 12:36 AM