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December 17, 2008


Hi Chris. Thank you for sharing this. Very useful to hear so much information from someone who definitely knows from experience. I strongly suggest all aspiring indie filmmakers listen to this podcast before embarking on their shoot.

I must also comment, however, that a lot of the info she shared in the talk is ground well-covered by the "Guerilla Filmmakers' Handbook" (quality control, deliverables, finding the right Sales Agent etc). You seemed too polite to say this during the talk, so if you weren't willing to plug your book then, may I now?

Last month I worked on a very enjoyable/ambitious short film shoot in Hong Kong. I saw that the director had a well-thumbed copy of the Big Green Book sitting in his apartment/office...

Fantastic podcast!! Hope there are more to come!

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    About Chris

    I am just like you. Passionate. Crazy mad. For movies that is. Can’t get enough. Watching movies. Making movies. Talking about movies. Drives my girlfriend Lucia nuts! So yep. Passionate, crazy and mad. And yes, I am a little schizo too. Thing is, I love making films as much as I do teaching film making. Hence, Make Film, Teach Film. I have spent my life making films and sharing what I have learned with those who, like me, have been infected with the 'film virus'... I've made three feature films, action thriller ‘The Runner’, serial killer thriller ‘White Angel’ and paranormal horror ‘Urban Ghost Story’. I also co-created and authored The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook series, and currently there are six editions! Most recently, I made the multi-award winning and Oscars shortlisted ‘Gone Fishing’. I run film making workshops and my offices are at Ealing Film Studios where I am currently plotting my next big adventure…

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