Yesterday I flew into the Dinard Film festival with Ivan Clements, and met up with DP Vernon Layton and his lovely wife, Linda, before almost immediately heading into our first screening… See the video!
Dinard is a lovely little seaside town in Northern France, it’s very quiet at night and seems a perfect venue for such a small and intimate festival. This year the festival is honouring Hugh Hudson, which is rather amazing as I briefly shared a stage with him last night. It’s amazing because 20 years ago, I won my first amateur film award, a BBC prize, and Hugh was one of the judges! It’s a small world!
We didn't get any comments on camera after the screening as we ran out of battery on the camera - doh! So in brief, we got tremendous feedback, mostly from the French locals who seemed overjoyed with the movie and compelled to tell me so, no matter where we were - on the street, in a restaurant, in the loo! Really lovely to hear it and I hope I can get some feedback on camera today.
Onwards and Upwards!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]