So the final mastering
stages of ‘Gone Fishing’ have begun. I popped into the Film Clinic today to
have a look at some of the problems we have with a few rolls of the film
negative. When it was processed, some of the chemicals turned out to be a
little dirty, and all manner of debris was left on the camera neg. Most of this
has now been cleaned off, but there is still a little worrisome damage to the
emulsion side of the neg where it was rolled up while still slightly wet.
My guts tell me that this
won’t be a problem. We will see. I also met with senior grader, John Claude at
Midnight Transfer today, and he watched a DVD of ‘Gone Fishing, before we
discussed the completion schedule. By now, the neg will have been collected
from The Film Clinic and it will be digitised at 2k resolution into Midnight
Transfers Baselight (powerful film resolution grading system).
One day next week, I will be
going in to MT to do the final picture grade. I can’t tell you how exciting
this will be. And it will finally answer, do we have problems with the camera
neg or not?
All things being equal, we
should have a completed film just before Xmas. The movie will be presented at
BAFTA on the 12th in HDCAM SR, so it should look the best it could
ever look. We will be doing a film out
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]