I have received a load of mails from people regarding BluRay and HD DVD. Thanks so much for that. Here are two pertinent comments…
James McGough wrote…
I read on your blog you're thinking about which HD format to support. I've been doing the same recently and decided to back Blu-ray so I thought I'd share with you what I found:
Warner is rumoured to be backing Blu-ray exclusively soon. Read here...
Stats on Marketshare show that Blu-ray is leading since inception and also recently. Read here...
Michael Bay prefers Blu-ray…Read here... And here...
I've decided to get a PS3 myself as it seems like a good deal and I'm a bit of a gamer.
Richard Purves also wrote…
As you may be aware, DVD Studio Pro and Compressor as supplied with Final Cut Studio 2 can encode to the HD-DVD standard as well as provide the files necessary to master the disc…
I have made a choice though. HD DVD. This is for a variety of reasons.
1. It’s just cheaper to buy the player (£180 from Amazon) and it’s also cheaper to manufacture the disks.
2. I plan to sell the player once I have done all my work on Gone Fishing, and re-buy a dual format player later down the line, so I can play both HD DVD and BluRay.
3. HD DVD does not have region coding (though the DVD playback does). I fundamentally disagree with region coding and always have. It’s just plain dumb and I believe encourages casual piracy (though not organised piracy).
4. But most of all, I need to dip my toes into the consumer HD market, knowing it will all change rapidly anyway, so I want to minimise any investment.
I am back onto Gone Fishing today, and off to the film clinic to inspect the camera negative before digitising for the final mastering.
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]