We have just received our first press, from the local newspaper in my home town of Wigan. You can read the article here. The great thing about local press is that they always paint you in a good light, and also give you lots of space. This kind of grass roots coverage is always good as it actually has immense penetration, reaching hundreds of thousands of people – and it’s FREE!
We all think of the internet as being the mutts nuts when it comes to PR, but the old methods still reach a huge volume of people in a very credible way. Of course, local press usually goes for the ‘local lad does good’ angle. And that’s something I play to when I do this kind of PR, keeping it human and real. Local radio is another really good one too.
The other thing that is gratifying, is that journalists download hi res images, with clear text descriptions from the website, and days later, they appear, verbatim, in their paper – you can see the Gone Fishing pictures page here.
I think the internet has now really reached a point where it’s near impossible to stand out as we tend to blank everything now – everything is one click away from being thought of as some kind of spam.
This feature also generated cash too as several new contributors got involved and contributed to ‘Gone Fishing’.
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]