OK so fund raising is continuing, and we now have a rather
spiffy graph, to show us all where we are at. In the last day we had four more
people contribute, raising the cash figure to £2,200 – they are Mike Mindel,
Ross Edwards, Martin Bowen and Harriet Barbir. So thank you very much guys. As
I said in the last mail, we hope to announce a bigger chunk of money in the
next few days, getting us even closer.
We are delighted to announce that we have secured all the 35mm film stock for free, raising a further £2.2k of the budget, bringing us near to the £5k mark! Holy cow, we are getting there!
We aim to be around £10k by the start of next week.
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]