Yesterday I sent out a mail to my mailing list, asking for crew help and specifically a storyboard artist. Boy! I got about 250 responses, so it’s going to take me a little time to get through everyone. It struck me, there is enough enthusiasm and passion there to make five short movies! I think after all is done, I will try and get everyone together for a networking barbecue or something similar. It seems there are a lot of like minded people who are not quite connected to each other, so let’s help build those connections and get more movies made.
As for Storyboard Artists, I am hoping I have found someone in my 250 responses. We will see.
We also got more contributions in the last 24 hours, from Jack Marshall, Rachel Keig, David Bowen, Ghost Films and Susan Douglas bringing the total cash raised to £2,600. We have just managed to secure, for free, the whole 35mm scanning and, grading, mastering, DI, scanning back to 35mm, HDCamSR mastering and data archive – ALL FOR FREE! This is worth about £3k, and brings us much closer! BLIMEY BLIMEY BLIMEY!
Onward and upward!
Chris Jones, Film Maker and Author
[email protected]